Nombre | Vanina DUTTO |
Directores | Dra. María Inés Luppo. Cnea - Argentina Dr. Ariel Danon. Cnea, Unsam - Argentina |
Lugar de realización | Gerencia Materiales-GAEN- CAC-CNEA |
Fecha Defensa | 05/05/2021 |
Jurado | Dr. Marcos Bergant. CNEA - Argentina |
Código | ITS/TM 215/21 |
Título completo
En este trabajo se realizó el estudio de aspectos seleccionados de la microestructura y el comportamiento en transformación de los aceros SA 533 Grado B Clase 1 y SA 508 Grado 3 Clase 1, de amplio uso en la fabricación de recipientes a presión para reactores nucleares.
En el caso del acero SA 533 se llevaron a cabo, en un simulador termomecánico Gleeble, ciclos térmicos que condujeron a tres estados microestructurales presentes habitualmente en la zona afectada por el calor de los cordones de soldadura del mismo. Se estudiaron muestras con tiempos de enfriamiento entre 800 °C y 500 °C de 6, 60, 108 y 400 s. Las curvas dilatométricas obtenidas permitieron estimar temperaturas críticas para las diferentes transformaciones de la austenita. Para la mayor velocidad de enfriamiento se obtuvo una muestra 100 % martensítica con presencia de martensita coalescida, para la menor velocidad de enfriamiento se obtuvo una muestra completamente bainítica con zonas de martensita-austenita y para los enfriamientos intermedios se obtuvieron mezclas de bainita y martensita. Mediante difracción de rayos X se determinó la presencia de austenita retenida y cementita en todas las muestras analizadas. Se corroboró la disminución de los anchos de los picos de difracción con la disminución de la velocidad de enfriamiento, lo que resulta consistente con el incremento de la fracción de una fase (bainita) que poseería mayor tamaño de dominio de difracción y menores microdeformaciones.
En el acero SA 508, se estudió la variación microestructural a lo largo del espesor de un anillo forjado y tratado térmicamente, sobre una muestra extraída del mismo en el estado metalúrgico de recepción. Se identificaron dos tipos de zonas microestructuralmente diferenciadas, a saber, una matriz y zonas segregadas, cuyas diferencias composicionales fueron medidas con microsonda electrónica. Mediante ensayos de microdureza se determinó que la estructura más fina (zonas segregadas) exhibe valores más altos de dureza que los encontrados para la matriz. No se detectaron variaciones apreciables en cuanto a los aspectos morfológicos de la microestructura a lo largo del espesor del forjado. Los análisis de anchos de pico y parámetros microestructurales calculados a partir de ellos, obtenidos por difracción de rayos X, tampoco arrojaron cambios apreciables en el espesor del material bajo estudio. Para el acero SA 508 se obtuvieron tamaños de dominio de difracción mayores y microdeformaciones menores que para el acero SA 533. A partir de los diagramas de difracción se identificó la fase cementita.
Complete Title
This work aims to deepen, at the Gerencia Materiales of CNEA, on the study of selected aspects of the microstructure and the transformation behavior of two low carbon, low alloy steels, namely SA 533 Grade B Class 1 and SA 508 Grade 3 Class 1, widely used in the manufacturing of pressure vessels for nuclear reactors.
In the case of SA 533 Grade B Class 1 steel, continuous cooling thermal cycles were designed that led, varying the cooling rate from austenite, to three microstructural states usually present in the heat affected zone (HAZ) of welded seams. The cycles were carried out in a Gleeble thermomechanical simulator equipped with a measuring head for dilatometry. Samples with cooling times between 800 °C and 500 °C (t8/5) of 6 s, 60 s, 108 s and 400 s were studied. The dilatometric curves obtained allowed to estimate critical temperatures for the different austenite transformations. After thermal cycles, the samples were characterized using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, hardness measurements and X-ray diffraction.
A fully martensitic sample was obtained for the highest cooling rate (t8/5 = 6 s), which included also zones with the presence of coalesced martensite. On the other hand, a fully bainitic microstructure containing isolated zones with block morphology, that could correspond to the metallographic martensite-austenite (M-A) constituent, was obtained for the lowest cooling rate (t8/5 = 400 s). Finally, bainite-martensite mixtures were obtained for the intermediate cooling rates (t8/5 = 60 s and 108 s).
The presence of retained austenite and cementite in all of the analyzed samples was determined by X-ray diffraction. A decrease in the width of the diffraction peaks was found following the decrease in the cooling rate, which is consistent with the increase of the fraction of a phase (bainite) that would have a larger diffraction domain size and/or lower microdeformations.
The microstructural variation along the complete thickness of a forged and heat-treated ring of SA 508 Grade 3 Class 1 steel was studied on a sample extracted from it in the as-received metallurgical state and using the already mentioned characterization techniques. Two types of microstructurally differentiated zones were identified, namely a matrix and segregated zones, whose compositional differences were measured with an electron microprobe. Microhardness tests determined that the finer structure (i.e., the one corresponding to the segregated zones) exhibits higher values of hardness than the one found for the matrix. On the other hand, no appreciable variations were detected in the morphological aspects of the microstructure along the thickness of the forged steel. As for XRD experiments, the analyses of peak widths and microstructural parameters calculated from them did not show any appreciable change along the thickness of the material either. Larger diffraction domain sizes and smaller microdeformations were obtained for the SA 508 Grade 3 Class 1 material, as expected given the severe tempering condition of this material in the as-received state as compared to SA 533 Grade B Class 1. Finally, from the diffraction diagrams, the cementite precipitated phase was clearly identified.
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