- Low temperature internal friction of cold-worked zirconium. Savino, E.J., & Bisogni, E.A. (1971). J. Phys (Paris), Colloq, (2), 209-213.
- Revisión de Efectos Anelásticos a bajas temperaturas provocados por la deformación plástica de los metales cúbicos de caras centradas y hexagonales compactos. Savino, E.J.; Bisogni, E.A. CNEA. CNEA-TE—7/59. 69 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES –Ubicación: 04.71.10. 1971.
- Computer simulation of edge and screw dislocations in copper. M J Norgett, R C Perrin and E J Savino. J. Phys. F: Metal Phys., Vol. 2, July 1972. L74-L75.
- Gas interstitials in bcc metals. Savino, E.J., & Tewary, V.K. (1973). Proceedings of the Int. Conf. On Internal Friction and ultrasonic Attenuation in Crystalline Solids. August 27-30. 1973 Aachen, Germany. (AED-Conf–73-374-005).
- Activation energy of gas interstitials in bcc metals. Savino, E.J., & Tewary, V.K. (1973). Journal of Physics F, Metal Physics, 3(11), 1910-1914.
- Computer simulation of weak-beam images of extended dislocations in copper. R. C. Perrin , E. J. Savino*, Theoretical Physics Division, A.E.R.E.,Harwell, Didcot, Berks. Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 98, Pt 2, July 1973, pp. 214-220.
- Low-temperature relaxation processes in cold-worked zirconium.Savino, E.J., & Bisogni, E.A. (1974). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 50(3), 298-308.
- The morphology of planar vacancy aggregates in copper. Savino, E.J., & Perrin, R.C. (1974). Journal of Physics F, Metal Physics, 4(11), 1889-1897.
- The Dislocation Loop in an Anisotropic Medium and Its Interaction with an Interstitial Atom. N. Meissner, E. J. Savino, J.R. Willis, R. Bullough. Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 63, 139-151. (1974)
- Defectos en Cristales. Savino, E,J.; Victoria, M.P. CNEA. CNEA-PMM/A—141. 96 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación 01.74.13. 1974.
- Elementos de Física del Sólido. Savino, E,J. CNEA. CNEA-PMM/A—138. 41 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 01.74.14. 1974
- Void swelling in thin foils. Savino, E. (1976). Radiation Effects, 29(3), 147-153.
- Interaction Between Point Defects and Straight Dislocations in Hexagonal Crystals. C. N. Tome, E. J. Savino. Materials Science and Engineering, 24 (1976). Pag. 109-122.
- Point defect dislocacioin interaction in a cristal under tension. Savino, E,J. CNEA. CNEA-NT—28/76. 22 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 01.76.20. 1976
- Point defect-dislocation interaction in a crystal under tension. Savino, E.J. (1977). Philosophical Magazine, 36(2), 323-340.
- Crecimiento por irradiación de circonio y sus aleaciones. Fainstein de Pedraza, Dora; Savino, E.J.; Pedraza, A.J. CNEA. CNEA-NT—2/78. 99 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 01.78.34. 1997
- Irradiation-growth of zirconium-base alloys I. Fainstein-Pedraza, D., Savino, E.J., & Pedraza, A.J. (1978). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 73(2), 151-168.
- Lattice Distortion and Migration Energy of Oxygen in Vanadium and Hydrogen in Niobium, Tantalum, and Vanadium. C. E. Laciana. A. J. Pedraza, E.J. Savino. Phys. Stat. Sol. (A) 45, 315-326. (1978)
- Defectos por Redes Cristalinas. Laciana, C.E.; Monti, A.M.; Tomé, C.N.; Savino E.J. CNEA. CNEA-NT—7/78. 24 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 01.78.16. 1978.
- Theoretical fuel element modelling at CNEA. Harriague, Santiago; Savino, E.J.; Coroli de Zappia, G.; Basombrío, F.G.; Sánchez Sarmiento, Gustavo. CNEA. CNEA-NT-14/78. 20 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 04.78.05. 1978.
- BACO; Código de simulación termomecánico de una barra combustible en un reactor de potencia. Harriague, Santiago; Savino, E.J. CNEA. Gerencia de Desarrollo. CNEA-NT–9/78. 34 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 04.78.04. 1978.
- The BACO fuel rod analysis computer program. Harriague, S., Coroli, G., & Savino, E.J. Boley, B.A. (Ed.). (1979). Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing Co. International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology; p. D1/2 (1-8); ISBN 0444 85360 X; Worldcat; 1979; p. D1/2 (1-8); North-Holland Publishing Co; Amsterdam, Netherlands; 5. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-5). 9. international seminar and 2. international seminar on structural reliability of mechanical components and subassemblies of nuclear power plants and 2. international seminar on containment of fast breeder reactors (CONFABRE-2); Berlin, Germany, F.R; 9 – 21 Aug 1979; INKA-CONF–79-321-103
- Vacancy and Interstitial Configuration in Hexagonal Close Packed Metals. C. N. Tomé, A. M. MONTI, and E. J. SAVINO. Phys. Stat.Sol. (B) 92, 323-334, (1979)
- Frenkel Pair Stability in a Hexagonal Close Packed Lattice. A.M.Monti, E.J. Savino. Phys. Stat. Sol. (B). 92, K39-K42, 1979.
- Simulación por computadora de defectos microestructurales. Savino, E.J. CNEA. CNEA-IN—6/148. 22 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 04.74.16. 1974
- Distribución de la temperatura en la zona de las arandelas de dilatación de una barra combustible tipo CNA. Sánchez Sarmiento, Gustavo; Savino, E.J.; Harriague, Santiago. CNEA. CNEA-NT–2/79. 43 p. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 04.79.04. 1979.
- Theoretical fuel element modelling at CNEA. Harriague, S., Savino, E.J., Coroli, G., Basombrio, F.G., & Sanchez Sarmiento, G. (1980). Nuclear Engineering and Design, 56(1), 83-89.
- BACO (Barra Combustible), a computer code for simulating a reactor fuel rod performance. Harriague, S., Coroli, G., & Savino, E.J. (1980). Nuclear Engineering and Design, 56(1), 91-103.
- Radiation induced creep and growth of zirconium alloys. Savino, E.J., & Laciana, C.E. (1980). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 90(1-3), 89-107.
- Low-temperature internal friction in cold-worked zirconium. Bolcich, J.C., & Savino, E.J. (1980). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 92(2/3), 357-359.
- Lattice static Green function for an HCP lattice. R. Migoni, C. N. Tome, N. Smetniansky-De Grande, and E. J. Savino. Physical Review B, Vol. 22, N°: 6. Pag 2658-2664 (1980).
- Detrapping of vacancies at 111In in quenched silver. C. Alonso Arias, M. Behar, A. Filevich, and G. Garcia Bermudez, E. Savino, R. P. Livi and F. C. Zawislak. Physical Review B Vol. 24, Number 6, pag. 3162-3165. 1981.
- Calculation of the formation entropy and diffusivity constants for the vacancy in Mg. A. M. Monti and E. J. Savino. Physical Review B. Vol. 23, Number 12. Pag 6494-6502. 1981.
- Octahedral and tetrahedral interstitial sites in a BCC Lattice. E.J. Savino and A. Seeger. Scripta Metalurgica. Vol. 15, pp. 431-435, 1981.
- Calculation of the formation entropy and diffusivity constants for the vacancy in Mg. A. M. Monti and E. J. Savino. Phys. Rev. B. V.23 (12). P. 6494-6502. (1981). Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 01.81.10
- Irradiation creep by stress-induced preferential attraction due to anisotropic diffusion (SIPA-AD). Savino, E.J., & Tome, C.N. (- Aug 1982). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 405-416.
- Self -Interstitial in Hexagonal Close-Packed Metals. A. J. Fendrika; A. M. Monti, and E. J. SAVINO. Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 113, 709-714. (1982).
- Point-defect diffusión in a strained crystal. aC.N. Tomé, H.A. Cecatto, E.J. Savino. Physical Review B, Vol. 25, Num. 12, 7428-7440, 1982.
- Simulación con el código baco de la barra Nro.5 de la experiencia Mol 8c. Forlerer de Svarch, Elena; Coroli de Zappia, G.; Harriague, Santiago; Savino, E.J.; Elbel, H. Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Reunión científica de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear, 9.San Carlos de Bariloche. 3-7 Nov 1980. v. 2 p. 729-734. Ubicación 04.82.51. Abril 1982.
- Stress-induced preferred absorption due to saddle-point anisotropy: The case of an infinitesimal dislocation loop. Woo, C.H., & Savino, E.J. (1983). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 116(1), 17-28.
- Some phenomenological and basic models in fuel rod simulation. Grande, N.S. de, Harriague, S., Savino, E.J., & Baigorria, C.A. (1983). Netherlands: North-Holland.
- Fuel thermal behaviour under transient conditions.Harriague, S., Savino, E.J., & Baigorria, C.A. (1983). Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg; Argonne National Lab., IL (USA); 313 p; ISBN 0444 86693 0; ; 1983; p. 97-103; North-Holland; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 7. international seminar on computational aspects of the finite element method (CAFEM-7) in conjunction with the 7. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-7); Chicago, IL (USA); 22-26 Aug 1983
- Crecimiento y creep bajo irradiaciones de Zr. Análisis de su dependencia con la textura. Smetnlansky de De Grande, N.; Pochettino, A.A.; Savino, E.J. CNEA. CNEA- NT—6/83. 27 p. 1983. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 04.83.17.
- Calculation of Lattice Defect Saddle-Point Configurations. E. J. Savino , A. M. Monti. Phys. Stat.Sol. (B) 121, pag. 513-524, (1984).
- A comparison of the transient fuel element computer code URANUS with the CNEA code BACO (IWGFPT–19). International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Preusser, T., Harriague, S., & Savino, E.J. (1984). International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria). International Working Group on Water Reactor Fuel Performance and Technology; 457 p; Dec 1984; p. 85-108; Specialists’ meeting on water reactor fuel element performance computer modelling; Bowness-on-Windermere (UK); 9-13 Apr 1984; 36 refs.
- Micro-macrostructural mechanical behavior of anisotropic zirconium alloys under irradiation. United States: American Society for Testing Materials. Savino, E.J., & Harriague, S. (1984). 12th. Int.Symp. Vol II, pág 667-689, 1984. ASTM / STP 870.
- The Baco (barra combustible) code; Its application to natural uranium fuel rods. Harriague, Santiago; Savino, E.J. CNEA-OIEA. International seminar on heavy water reactor fuel technology, San Carlos de Bariloche. 27 Jun – 1 Jul 1983. Proceedings v. 1 p. 97-116. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 04.84.22. 1984.
- Modelling thermal, mechanical and gas release response of fuel elements subjected to water reactor steady-state and ramp-test conditions: a computer code evaluation. Preusser, T., Harriague, S., & Savino, E.J. (1985). Res Mechanica, 16(3), 193-230.
- The influence of radiation induced segregation on ion implantation profiles. Farkas, D., Rangaswamy, M., Pasianot, R., & Savino, E.J. (1986). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 16(2/3), 183-186.
- Evaluación de 10 seminarios latinoamericanos a nivel post-doctoral y 5 cursos de metalurgia y tecnología de materiales. Volman de Tanis, Sara; Harriague, Santiago; Quesada, L.A.; Savino, E.J. CNEA. Dept. de Materiales. CNEA-NT–27/86; CNEA-PMTM/I—12. 47 p. 1986. Catálogo de la Producción Intelectual del CIES – Ubicación: 04.86.10
- The influence of local volume forces on surface relaxation of pure metals and alloys: Applications to Ni, Al, Ni3Al (IC–87/325). International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Savino, E.J., & Farkas, D. (1987).
- Stress induced anisotropic diffusion of intrinsic point defects towards dislocations in hcp crystals. Smetniansky-De Grande, N., Savino, E.J., & Tome, C.N. (Nov 1987). Physica Status Solidi B, Basic Research, 144(1), 271-286.
- Point-defect anisotropic diffusion in strained HCP metals. E. J. Savino and N. Smetniansky —De Grande. Physical Review B ,Volume. 35, Number. 12, pag. 6064-6073. 1987.
- Dislocation Sink Strength in Strained HCP Crystals. Smeniansky de De Grande, E.J. Savino and C.N. Tomé. Materials Science Forum Vols 15-18 (1987), pp 765-770
- Sink strengths for hcp magnesium. Smetniansky-de Grande, N., Sarce, A., Savino, E.J., & Tome, C.N. (1988). Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 159, 379-385.
- Characterization and statistical distribution of grain boundaries in Ni3Al. United States: Materials Research Society. Farkas, D., Jang, H., Lewus, M.O., Versaci, R., & Savino, E.J. Vol. 122, 455-459 (1988).
- Computer Simulation of Dislocation Core Structure Dislocation in NI3Al using Local Volume Dependent Potentials. Diana Farkas and E. J. Savino. Scripta Metallurgica Vol. 22, pp. 557-560, 1988.
- Beyond the embedded atom interatomic potential. United States: Materials Research Society. Savino, E.J., Rao, S., & Pasianot, R. (1989). Materials Research Society symposium proceedings. Volume 141; 471 p; ISBN 1-55899-014-3; ; 1989; p. 43-49; Materials Research Society; Pittsburgh, PA (USA); Symposium on atomic scale calculations in materials science; Boston, MA (USA); 28-30 Nov 1988; CONF-8811147
- Characterization and statistical distribution of grain boundaries in Ni3Al. Interfacial structure, properties and design. Farkas, D.; Jang, H.; Lewus, M.O.; Versaci, R.; Savino, E.J. Materials Research Society symposium proceedings. Volume 122; 609 p; ISBN 0-931837-92-8; Worldcat; 1988; p. 455-460; Materials Research Society; Pittsburgh, PA (USA); Interfacial structure, properties and designs in solids; Reno, NV (USA); 5-9 Apr 1988; CONF-8804112
- Argon irradiation of Sn thin layers deposited on Fe substrates. Pasianot, R., Galambos, G., Savino, E.J., Amaral, L., Behar, M., Farkas, D., & Rao, S. (Jan 1989). Physica Status Solidi A, 111(1), 173-180.
- Thermodynamics of deformation under irradiation. Sarce, A., & Savino, E.J. (Jul 1989). Physica Status Solidi B, 154(1), 105-113.
- Oscillatory relaxations in (111) planar defects in Ni3Al. D. Farkas; E. J. Savino, P. Chidambaram, A. F. Voter, D. J. Srolovitz , S. P. Chen. Philosophical Magazine, 1989, VOL. 60, No. 4 , pag. 433-446. To link to this article:
- Computer Simulation of Point Defects in Hexagonal Close Packed Metals. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Eduardo J. Savino, Ana M. Monti. Vol 141, 291-296. 1989. Doi: 10.1557/PROC-141-291.
- An extensión of the embedded ATOM Method. R. Pasianot, E.J. Savino, S. Rao, D. Farkas. Department of Materials Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 193. 1990. Materials Research Society
- Core Structure of Strainght Dislocations in Ni3AL. R. Pasinnot. D., Farka, E.J. Savino. Scripta Metalurgica et Materialia. Vol. 24, pp. 1669-1674, 1990.
- Study of Hf diffusion in alfa-Zr using Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy. Dyment, F; Behar, M.; Ohers, H; Grande, P.L; Savino, E. and Zawislak, F.C. Mat. Res.Soc, Vol 157, 831-836. (1990).
- Grain Boundary Sink Strength in Anisotropic Materials. Potencia de atrape del borde de grano en materiales anisotropicos Sarce de Ovejero, A.L.; Savino, E.J. Phys. Status Solidi B (1990) v. 159 p. 557.
- Point defects and sink strength in hcp metals. Monti, A.M., Sarce, A., Smetniansky-De Grande, N., Savino, E.J., & Tome, C.N. (1991). Philosophical Magazine A, 63(5), 925-936.
- Comparison of TEM Observations With Dislocations of Core Structure Calculation in B2 orderer compounds. Farkas, R. ,Pasianot, E. J. Savino and D.B. Miracle. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 213. Pag. 223-228. 1991
- Void Sink Strength in H.C.P. Materials. N. Smetniansky de De Grande. , . N. Tome, E. J. Savino. Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 167, 477-493. (1991)
- Empirical many-body interatomic potential for bcc transition metals. R. Pasianot, D. Farkas, and E. J. Savino. Phys. Rev. B. (1991), Vol. 43, N. 9, pag.6952-6961.
- Simulation of point defects in iron using angular potentials. 78 National meeting of the Argentine Physics Association, Argentina. Simonelli, G., Pasianot, R., & Savino, E.J. (1993).
- Elastic Constants for the H.C.P. Lattice. R. Pasianot; E. J. Savino. Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 176, 327-334. (1993).
- Representation of atomistic dislocation core structures. R. Pasianot, Z.Y. Xie, D. Farkas, and E.J. Savino- Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia. Vol. 28, pp. 319-324, 1993
- Embedded-Atom Method interatomic potentials for BCC Iron. G. Simonelli, R. Pasianot, E.J. Savino. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 291, 567-572, 1993
- Simple Flexible boundary conditions for the atomistic simulation of dislocation core structure and motion . Roberto Pasianot, Eduardo J. Savino, Zhao-Yang Xie; Diana Farkas. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 291. 1993, pag- 85-90.
- Calculations of The structure of Defects and Properties of High temperature alloys. 1 international spring school and symposium on advances in materials science; invited lectures Proceedings V1, (p. 406). Egypt. Savino, E. J., & Pasianot, R. (1994).
- Computer simulation of (100) dislocation core structure in NiAl. R Pasianot, Z Xiet, D Farkast and E J Savino. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 2 (1994) 383-394.
- Point-defect computer simulation including angular forces in bcc iron. G. Simonelli, R. Pasianot, and E. J. Savino.Phys. Rev. B., (1994). Vol. 50, (2), pag. 727-739
- Thermo-mechanical description of a nuclear pin, BACO code version 220. Marino, A.C., Savino, E., & Harriague, S. Rocha, M.M. (Ed.). (1995) Transactions of the 13. International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology. v. 4. Brazil: Editora da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Escola de Engenharia) (eds.); 860 p; ISBN 85-7025-351-6; Worldcat; 1995; p. 811-819; Editora da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); 13. International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); 13-18 Aug 1995
- A Model B.C.C. Iron Including Angular Interactions. The Self-Interstitial. G. Simoneli; Pasianot, E. J. Savino. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 191, 249 (1995)
- Fuel modelling and its economical competitiveness. Proceedings of the international conference on nuclear power competitiveness in the next two decades, (p. 335). Argentina: Asociacion Argentina de Tecnologia Nuclear. Marino, A.C., & Savino, E.J. (1996).
- BACO (BArra COmbustible) code version 2.20:a thermo-mechanical description of a nuclear fuel rod. Armando Carlos Marino a, Eduardo J. Savino b, Santiafo Harriague. Journal of Nuclear Materials 229 (1996) 155-168.
- Phonon dispersion curves for transition metals within the embedded-atom and embedded-defect methods. Simonelli, G., Pasianot, R., & Savino, E.J. (1997). Physical Review B, Condensed Matter, 55(9), 5570-5573.
- Sensitivity analysis applied to nuclear fuel performance related to fabrication parameters and experiments. Marino, A.C. ; Savino, E.J..Trans. 14th. Int. Conf. On Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technlogy (SMIRT-14) C01/7. Pag. 41-48. Lyon, France, August 17-22. 1997.
- Power ramp and reshuffling analysis for nuclear fuels using the BACO Code. Marino, A.C. ; Savino, E.J..Trans. 14th. Int. Conf. On Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technlogy (SMIRT-14) CW/7. Pag. 295-302. Lyon, France, August 17-22. 1997.
- An overview of actions concerning life management of nuclear power plants in Argentina (IWG-LMNPP–97/3(v1)). International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Savino, E., & Versaci, R.A. International Atomic Energy Agency, International Working Group on Life Management of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna (Austria); 316 p; 1998; p. 25-30; Technical committee meeting of the International Working Group on Life Management of Nuclear Power Plants; Vienna (Austria); 6-8 Oct 1997. IWG-LMNPP–97/3(V.1) (1998)
- Actions concerning nuclear power plant life evaluation (IWG-LMNPP–98/2). International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Chocron, M., Fabbri, S., Mizrahi, R., Savino, E.J., & Versaci, R.A. International Atomic Energy Agency, International Working Group on Life Management of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna (Austria); 220 p; 1998; p. 95-104; IAEA specialists meeting on strategies and policies for nuclear power plant life management; Vienna (Austria); 28-30 Sep 1998; 4 refs, 3 figs (1998).
- Current trends in life management programs of nuclear power plants. Nuclear energy and environment: abstracts, (p. 136). Argentina: AATN. Chocron, Mauricio, Fabbri, Silvio, Mizrahi, Rafael, Savino, Eduardo J., & Versaci, Raul A. (1999).
- Computer simulation of SIA migration in bcc and hcp metals. Pasianot, R.C., Monti, A.M., Simonelli, G., & Savino, E.J. (Jan 2000). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 276(1-3), 230-234.
- Self-Interstitial Configuration in B.C.C. Metals. An Analysis Based on Many-Body Potentials for Fe and Mo. G. Simonelli, R. Pasianot1 , E.J. Savino . Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 217, 747 (2000)